"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet."
Matthew 5:13
SALT (Seasoned Adults Living Triumphantly) is an opportunity for older adults to fellowship & serve together, with Matthew 5:13 being our guiding principle.
We will have monthly planned events to include fun activities, day trips, training seminars pertinent to older issues & community outreach & service projects.
Our goal is to develop a sense of community within our older church membership & to create opportunities to interact with other age groups within First Baptist Forsyth.
As mature Christians we want to be the salt & light to our church family, as well as the community.
We will have monthly planned events to include fun activities, day trips, training seminars pertinent to older issues & community outreach & service projects.
Our goal is to develop a sense of community within our older church membership & to create opportunities to interact with other age groups within First Baptist Forsyth.
As mature Christians we want to be the salt & light to our church family, as well as the community.

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet."
Matthew 5:13
SALT (Seasoned Adults Living Triumphantly) is an opportunity for older adults to fellowship & serve together, with Matthew 5:13 being our guiding principle.
We will have monthly planned events to include fun activities, day trips, training seminars pertinent to older issues & community outreach & service projects.
Our goal is to develop a sense of community within our older church membership & to create opportunities to interact with other age groups within First Baptist Forsyth.
As mature Christians we want to be the salt & light to our church family, as well as the community.
We will have monthly planned events to include fun activities, day trips, training seminars pertinent to older issues & community outreach & service projects.
Our goal is to develop a sense of community within our older church membership & to create opportunities to interact with other age groups within First Baptist Forsyth.
As mature Christians we want to be the salt & light to our church family, as well as the community.